The Daughters of the British Empire (DBE) is a charitable, non-profit, non-political, non-sectarian, voluntary American society of women of British or Commonwealth birth or ancestry. Its members are professionals, businesswomen, and homemakers with common interests and heritage, who meet regularly for business and social events with the common cause of philanthropy. The society was founded in the United States on March 15, 1909, as the Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire in the U.S.A., and became the National Society, Daughters of the British Empire in the U.S.A. in 1920. The National Society is incorporated in the State of Delaware.

The Society is affiliated with the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire in Canada (I.O.D.E.); the Victoria League in London, England; and the General Federation of Women’s Clubs in the United States.

The Honorary President of the DBE is the British Ambassador to the U.S. or the Ambassador's wife.

For over 100 years, The Daughters of the British Empire in the U.S.A. has been a common bond for women of British heritage living in America. Members, joining together in fellowship, contribute significantly to the good of their local communities and support our retirement homes for men and women established by the DBE. The states of the Western District are proud to support the British Home in California in Sierra Madre, CA.

There are two state sponsored events during the year which are:

  • The Annual Council Meeting (ACM). The State Board presents to the membership and the Chapters share all the things we accomplished during the year as a charitable organization. There is usually a raffle, lunch and a speaker who will speak on a topic pertaining to our fundraising goals.

  • The All-Chapter Bazaar which is always held the last Saturday of October, in Edmonds WA. Recently it was held at the Maplewood Presbyterian Church in Edmonds with great success.

The individual Chapters hold separate fundraisers in their respective towns and cities.